Terms and Conditions

This page describes the terms and conditions governing the website https://atopiatx.com (the “Website”) and its use by any visitor (the “User”). In the absence of agreement to accept all or part of these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Website.

1. Legal Notice

Website Editor:

Atopia Therapeutics SA, with a share capital of ………. , its headquarters located at 15, avenue de Sécheron, 1202 Geneva Switzerland and registered with the Swiss Trade and Companies Register under number CHE-346.109.235

Email:  jshaw@atopiatx.com
Phone: +41 22 794 40 20

Director of Publication: ……….
Hosting company: ……….

2. Terms of Use
Content of the Website

The Website is an institutional presentation Atopia Therapeutics SA’s activities and its content is for information purposes only.

The Website may contain links to third-party websites (“External Sites”). These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by us of the content on such External Sites. The content of such External Sites is developed and provided by third-party companies independent of Atopia Therapeutics SA. Atopia Therapeutics SA is not responsible for the content of any linked External Sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of any materials on such External Sites. Consequently, if you decide to leave our Website you acknowledge being solely responsible for the access and use of these External Sites.

Intellectual property

Atopia Therapeutics SA owns the intellectual property rights and holds rights to the use of all accessible elements of the Website, including text, images, graphics, logos, videos, icons, and sounds.

Atopia Therapeutics SA does not assign or grant any intellectual property right on the Website or its content to the User, except for a free and non-exclusive, personal right of access, limited exclusively to the consultation of the Website and its contents.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of any or part of the elements of the Website, by whatever means or procedure, is forbidden, except by prior written permission from Atopia Therapeutics SA.

Any unauthorized use of the Website or of any of the elements contained therein will expose the offender and any person responsible to criminal and civil penalties provided by law, including damages for infringement of intellectual property rights.

Website Access

The User undertakes to access the Website using recent virus-free equipment and the latest updated browser version.

The Website is normally accessible to Users at all times. Atopia Therapeutics SA may, however, decide to interrupt access for technical maintenance reasons, in which case every effort will be made to give prior notice to Users of the dates and times of such interruptions.

The aim is to provide the highest possible level of accessibility. The hosting company provides service continuity 24 hours a day, every day of the year. However, it reserves the right to interrupt the hosting service for the shortest possible periods, including for reasons of maintenance, infrastructure improvement, infrastructure failure, or if use of the provisions and services generates traffic considered to be unusual.

Disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability

The Website is made available to the Users “as is”. Despite the care and attention given to the writing of convent and information, Atopia Therapeutics SA cannot guarantee in any way the integrity, lawfulness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness or other quality of information on the Website.

Hence, Atopia Therapeutics SA may not be held responsible to any User for any damages:

resulting directly or indirectly from the use/misuse of the Website or the inability to access it;

caused to the User’s hardware during access to the Website, or from a bug or incompatibility.

The User remains solely responsible for the use he/she intends to make of the Website and the preservation of the security and integrity of its data, hardware and software when he/she accesses the Website.

Privacy and personal data management

The use of the Website may require the communication of the User’s personal data. For further information on this subject, you can consult the Privacy Policy on the protection of personal data available  or accessible in the banner at the bottom page of the Website.


Atopia Therapeutics SA may use some non-essential cookies (i.e. personalization and audience measurement). For further information on this subject, you can consult the Cookies policy available  or accessible in the banner at the bottom page of the Site.


Atopia Therapeutics SA may at any time and without notice revise and update these Terms and Conditions in case of evolution of its services and/or according to applicable legislations. It is the User’s responsibility to regularly refer to and comply with its latest version/update.

Governing law and jurisdiction

These Terms & Conditions are governed by and should be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of Switzerland.

The competent Courts of Geneva, Switzerland, shall settle any claim or dispute arising out of or related to the use of the Website.

Updated : April 2024

1.2 Third-party cookies

Some of our pages display content from external providers. To view this third-party content, you first have to accept their specific terms and conditions. This includes their cookie policies, which we have no control over.

But if you do not view this content, no third-party cookies are installed on your device.

The use and installation of such third-party cookies are subject to their own privacy policies, to which you will find a link below. This cookie family may include audience measurement cookies (mainly from Google Analytics), advertising cookies (which Atopia Therapeutics SA does not use), as well as social network cookies (usually from social media websites, however which Atopia Therapeutics SA does not use).

    • Audience measurement cookies provide statistics about the number of visits to and use of certain elements of the Website (such as the content/pages visited). These data help improve the ergonomics of our Website. An audience measurement tool is used on this Website Google Analytics, whose cookie policy may be consulted by clicking on the following link: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en
    • Social network cookies are issued and managed by the respective editors of the social networks. Subject to your consent, these cookies allow you to easily share some of the content published on the Website, especially via the use of social network application sharing buttons.

To help you understand what data is identified by the cookies, see below for a list of the third-parties cookies which are used on the Website.